Bowls is a very simple game which is complicated by humans. This very wise remark was said to me when I took up the sport
about 20 years ago and I often think about it and realise how true that gentleman was.
We, who play this noble sport variously, refer to it as a sport, a game, a past-time, a hobby, a fellowship, an obsession
or match. Bowls can be all things to all men and women.
Muscular strength, agility and athletic prowess count for little in the noble Game. Preferred attributes should be temperament,
balance, patience, a tiny dose of natural ability and the capacity to remember simple instructions.
People take up bowls for a multitude of reasons and every one of them is valid. Light and gentle exercise, fresh air,
companionship, sociability and competitiveness all have their parts to play.
At Clacton you may rollup with your friends, practise on your own and take part in club sponsored drives, competitions,
internal leagues, friendly matches or competitive matches. The choice is yours. You may even desire to purely sit in the sun
with a tall glass of your favourite tipple, that also is your choice.
Once you join Clacton Bowling Club there is no pressure to do anything. All you have to remember is do your own thing
and enjoy it. If you are considering joining our bowls club why not give the Secretary a ring. He will arrange an introduction
for you with one of our
qualified coaches to see if you like the game before you sign up as a member.
Do not rush out and buy a set of bowls because it's odds on you will buy the wrong size. Bowls vary in size from 0 to
7 in two weight ranges. We maintain a stock of bowls in all sizes and the first thing the coach will do is give you a variety
of sizes to try out in an effort to find out which size you are most comfortable with. You need is a pair of flat soled shoes
without heels, everything else comes later if you decide to join.
Remember this. If a senile octogenarian with a hearing aid, a limp, a bad back, arthritis and all our yesterday's syndrome
can deliver a bowl 35 yards to touch a little white ball, so can you!